Sylvia of 40+Style invited me to answer some style questions for her community.
I felt very honoured and happily shared my opinions and personal style ideas with Sylvia and her readers. Thank you so much, Sylvia!


Sylvia von 40+Style fragte mich kürzlich, ob ich für ihre Leserinnen Fragen zu meinem persönlichen Stil beantworten würde. Das Angebot habe ich natürlich sehr gerne angenommen. Herzlichen Dank, Sylvia!

„I only recently got introduced to Annette, which is not surprising since her blog “Lady of Style’ has only been around for 3 months. Since that time though, she has uploaded many inspring outfits which stand out because of their sophistication and elegance, yet also have a young and hip vibe. Perfect for many women over 40.

Add to that that she mainly shops in mainstream stores, which highlights that you do not need a big budget to look corporate and chic, yet modern and hip. All good reasons to have a chat with her so we can find out about all her style secrets!“

Please head over to the full interview here
Hier könnt Ihr das vollständige Interview lesen:
How to look sophisticated and corporate yet modern and hip:
Style lessons from Annette

40+Style offers style ideas, how to dress and beauty information for
women over 40. My name is Sylvia and I’m a 45 year old Dutch woman,
living in Singapore and this is my fashion blog.

My mission is to show that you can look gorgeous and
experiment with styles and fashion at any age. It’s all about having fun
with style and fashion!

Too often we get too worried about our
wrinkled face, heavier bodies or loosening skin. Having fun with hair
and makeup, fashion and new styles can help to make you look better, but
also feel more confident and happy.

Looking good and being stylish is not so much about money, the figure
you have or how old you are. It’s about dressing to your strengths, knowing your body type, and knowing and embracing your unique style.

I hope to help you in your quest to find your own style, dress to your strengths, look fabulous and embrace your age. You can start by reading all the articles on the site, or join our style forum and ask questions. If you are in Singapore you can also use my personal shopping and personal stylist services.

I believe that if you have fun with style and fashion and
feel good about yourself and the way you look, you will feel great and
so much happier! 

If you like to know more then you can read this article on why I setup 40PlusStyle.com.


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