Classic and elegant styling of a little black dress

Zeitlos, klassisch und elegant: Das Kleine Schwarze

In 3 Minuten vom lässigen Tages- zum eleganten Abendlook

3 Minuten – es dauert wirklich nicht länger! Habt Ihr meine lässige Version dieses Satinkleids mit Jeansjacke in meinem letzten Post gesehen? Jeansjacke ausziehen, Schuhe wechseln, Tasche und Schmuck austauschen – fertig! Und wer mag, trägt dazu noch roten Lippenstift. Ich mag es gerne dezenter (ob ich mich irgendwann noch rantraue, kann ich nicht versprechen!)

Diesen klassisch-eleganten Look für abends kann man wirklich mit fast jedem schwarzen Kleid zaubern. Ich liebe Perlen, alternativ passt natürlich auch Gold- oder Silberschmuck, aber in dem Fall eher dezent und keine Statementketten.

Wenn mir abends kühl wird, trage ich dazu einen ganz feinen, schwarzen Cardigan oder nehme einen Pashminaschal mit. Ein Blazer geht natürlich auch, aber ich fände ihn gerade bei einem Midikleid zu steif. Im Schrank habe ich noch eine kürzere Samtjacke, die ich mit einer Schleife vorne binden kann, sie wäre eine schöne Ergänzung und unterstreicht den taillierten Schnitt des Kleids.

5 der besten „Kleinen Schwarzen“

So ein Zufall! Gestern wurde dieses Mango Kleid im britischen The Telegraph als den „Alleskönner“ unter ihren 5 beliebtesten schwarzen Kleidern vorgestellt! Hier geht es zum Artikel und  den Stylingvorschlägen „5 of the best little black dresses“

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Neuer Haarschnitt

Ich fühle mich mittlerweile mit meinen kürzeren Haaren derart wohl, dass ich sie nach diesen Aufnahmen sogar hinten nochmal schneiden lassen habe! Es hat so lange gedauert, bis ich mich überhaupt getraut habe und mittlerweile bin ich mutiger geworden. Ich weiß, Haare wachsen nach, aber es hat mich anfangs wirklich Überwindung gekostet, denn ich habe sie einfach immer lang getragen!

Inspirationen hatte ich mir auf Pinterest gesucht und dort auch ein Board „Short bob hairstyle“ zusammengestellt. Dazu natürlich viele andere Kollektionen – hier geht es zu meinen Pinterest Boards.

Gesundheitswochenende in Österreich

Derzeit verbringe ich zusammen mit der wunderbaren Katja von collected by Katja ein paar Tage in Österreich im La Pura Women’s Health Resort im Kamptal in der Nähe von St. Pölten. Es ist Europas einziges Frauen Gesundheitshotel und ich lasse mich hier ärztlich beraten und betreuen – eine tolle Erfahrung, über die ich demnächst ausführlich berichte. Auf Instagram und meinen Instagram Stories seht Ihr schon jetzt einige Einblicke!

Timeless, classy and elegant: A Little Black Dress

Turn your casual day look into an elegant evening attire within 3 minutes

3 minutes only – it really doesn’t take longer! Have you seen my casual styling of this black satin dress in my last post? Take off your denim jacket, change into black pumps, grab a glamorous evening clutch and precious jewellery – that’s it! If you wish, add a highlight with red lipstick. Personally I prefer soft colours (maybe one day I’ll be brave enough and wear red but can’t promise!)

This is a classic and safe styling for almost every black dress. I love pearls but it works equally well with gold or silver jewellery but for an elegant look, I’d refrain from chunky statement pieces but always opt for more subtle jewellery.

When it is getting colder at night, I love pairing it with a very light (silky or cashmere) cardigan or a fine pashmina shawl. In this case I’d rather not wear a regular blazer unless it is a short, waisted cut to enhance the style and feminine shape of the dress.

5 of the best little black dresses

What a coincidence! Yesterday The Telegraph featured this Mango dress amongst their favourites and call it The do-it-all dress

„Finding a little black dress to work for all occasions is no easy feat. Until now. We predict this fluid belted dress from Mango to work wonders for your wardrobe. For work, pair with a dove grey longline blazer and block heels. On the weekend, wear under a black cashmere knit with white plimsolls.  Or, for the ultimate evening look, just add gold heels.“

New haircut

Meanwhile I really got used to my new short haircut and after we took these photos I had it even cut shorter and layered in the back. I think it has been the right decision to go step by step to feel comfortable with it especially since I always had much longer hair.

I look lots of inspirations from Pinterest and now also created a board „Short bob hairstyle“ besides many other collections – visit my Pinterest here.

All about health – my weekend in Austria

I am spending this weekend together with lovely Katja of collected by Katja in Austria at La Pura Women’s Health Resort. It is Europe`s only resort dedicated to women where physicians, therapists and beauty experts take care of health and well-being. Soon I will tell you all about my experiences and treatments. In the meantime check out my Instagram and Instagram Stories for a sneak peek!


Jasmin Huber Fotografie

Kleid – Dress: Mango
Pumps: Kiomi via Zalando
Clutch: Bijou Brigitte
Perlenkette – Pearl Necklace: old and precious
Armreif – Bracelet: Sence Copenhagen c/o
Ring: Sence Copenhagen c/o

Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style
Jess of Elegantly Dressed And Stylish
Cherie of Style Nudge
Please also visit their blogs – thank you!

12 Kommentare

  1. nancybaten2016
    2. Oktober 2016 / 9:09

    I love black dresses! I also love the copper version of this one you have showed before. I was thinking about showing all my black dresses, but they often don t look good on the picture. I liked your hair longer and I like this lenght, it both looks good on you!

  2. cassidl
    2. Oktober 2016 / 14:54

    what a lovely dress, Your hair is lovely but I prefer longer ( hence why mine is still long)
    My recent post Happiness is Homemade Oct 2

  3. sequinist
    2. Oktober 2016 / 19:22

    You look stunning, Annette. I loved the copper dress on you, and I love this one too! The fit and quality look super. xx
    My recent post Mixing sequins with a sweatshirt

  4. patti
    2. Oktober 2016 / 22:31

    Beautiful styling of a classic LBD, Annette. You look gorgeous and those pearls are so perfect. xo

    My recent post A Modern Plaid Skirt: Visible Monday

  5. ThePoutingPensioner
    2. Oktober 2016 / 22:36

    Great day to evening transition, Annette. It looks like the dress has a side slit, and if so, is it difficult to control when sitting, in the wind etc?
    My recent post Devon – A Creatively Accounted 12-piece Travel Capsule

  6. plutrell
    3. Oktober 2016 / 0:08

    This is a stunning dress, Annette…I hope you will come over and link it up with our new link up! You look lovely as always…I need to find one I feel great in.

  7. lyddiegal
    3. Oktober 2016 / 2:24

    I love a little black dress that can truly do it all – the pearls are the perfect finishing touch!
    Chic on the Cheap

    My recent post September Budget

  8. Vale
    4. Oktober 2016 / 10:38

    Love this dress, so elegant ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog
    My recent post Fashion blogger outfit recap September 2016

  9. Liz
    4. Oktober 2016 / 17:58

    You look stylish and elegant as you always do and I love the understated styling of your LBD. But the hair!!!!! Your hair is stunning. You suit it so much and it emphasizes your eyes and face shape. I think you look younger than ever too. I loved following your Instastories and Instagram of your weekend away too. Thank you for sharing xxx
    My recent post Striped Top, Thistle Scarf and Muck Boots

  10. Not Dressed As Lamb
    4. Oktober 2016 / 21:41

    Ohhhhhhh this is yet another stunner, Annette… This is my FAVOURITE shape dress, and you make it look so very, very elegant when switching it up for nighttime. And let's not forget the new haircut: It suits you so well, you look even more striking than ever (if that's possible)! Bet it's a lot easier to take care of, too 😉

    Catherine x

    My recent post 4 Easy Ideas for Cheap, Homemade Halloween Costumes

  11. elegantlydressandstylish
    5. Oktober 2016 / 17:19

    Annette, this is stunning on you! I told you I regretted not buying the black dress when I could! It looks so elegant with your jewelry, black pumps and sparkly clutch! A great evening out look!
    Thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
    jess xx
    My recent post Turning Heads #Linkup- Collaboration with Marmi Shoes: Fabulous Italian Burgundy Booties by Sesto Meucci

  12. nofearoffashion
    14. Oktober 2016 / 16:13

    Beautiful. And you are right, for the evening no chunky jewellery. There is a slit at the side isn't there? I think I nearly saw you do an Angelina.
    I would be very tempted to buy this one.

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